About us

Antesis vision is to build a bridge between new developed  knowledge-intensive technology products and industrial consumers. The producer, our partners, will reach the market and create revenues, while the industrial consumers benefit from more efficient production and increased competitivness.

Antesis is owned by partners with a long background of introducing new technologies on new markets. We combine experience from

   Product and application development
   Marketing and sales
   Management in leading positions
   Board membership

with a broad network in many of Swedens most important industries, and a passion for making business!

This is how we operate

We look deep into our partners’ products and goals, trying to understand the full range of potential on the market. The uniqueness of Antesis’ sevices is the dedicated commercial orientation. Our focus is understanding of customer need and created value. In this way, we are able to direct our activities on the market so that the best results for you as a partner are created. We use our experience and competence to deliver tangible results: revenues, customer contracts and commercial skill.

< Hanna Karlsen  

Hanna has senior experience as international marketing manager.  She has performed a couple of significant market introductions and turnaround operations on several market segments. She covers experience from Medical Solutions, Manufacturing industry, Process and Telecom industry. This has given her a broad personal network in Nordic industry. Her latest position was VP-Business Systems in Telia in parallel with board member assignments. Hanna holds an MBA in aeronautical engineering.